Newton Store Celebrates 40 Years and more than 40 Stores Nationwide

10/15/2013 - Newton Patch


Forty years ago, Second Time Around opened its first store in Newton Highlands, and now there are over 45 stores in 12 states around the United States. The company celebrated the milestone at the end of September at the flagship store at 176 Newbury St. in Boston. The event featured a beauty station by Benefit, candy bar by UNREAL Candy, cupcakes from Treat Cupcake Bar and cocktails from Privateer Rum. 20% of the evening's proceeds were donated to Dress for Success Boston.

Patch recently interviewed Second Time Around's CEO and President Bill Soncini:

1) Did you plan on expanding Second Time Around to 45 stores in 12 states when you opened the first store in Newton Highlands?

We never dreamed that we could reach this point and be as well-received as we have been. With every new store that we open or every new initiative that we roll out, we are learning how to be a better company and reach a wider audience. We really feel like now the sky's the limit and plan on opening more stores here in New England, as well as in other areas of the country.

2) Why do you think the stores have been so successful?

STA focuses on three things: product, customer service and value. People are very good at recognizing a great deal, and we not only offer great prices, but we also strive to make all of our customers feel like VIPs. This includes customer and consignor rewards, as well as exciting events and promotions to get to know everyone that comes into the store, whether they come in regularly or once in a while.

3) How much does the store in Newton still look like it did when it opened in 1973?

The company's original store was actually right around the corner from our current Newton Highlands location. A few years after the company was started, the corner space that we have now opened up, and the founder thought it was the perfect space. Clearly it was a good move since we've been in that location for 30 years!

4) Have you changed your business strategy over the years?

We have always been focused on providing great merchandise and top-level customer service, so our core values have stayed the same. About three years ago when I came into the role of CEO, we really decided that we wanted to push the company to the next level. This meant opening up stores in every major city on the east coast, as well as exploring new areas where we had not done business before.

5) What's next for Second Time Around? Do you plan to open more stores in Massachusetts or other locations?

We are always expanding, and Massachusetts is certainly on the list. We are looking into locations on the North Shore, and we hope to open a location there within the next year. As far as our future, we are striving to be the nation's first choice for consignment, whether you're a customer or a consignor. For us, this starts with constantly improving our customer and consignor experiences, and it continues in every new market where we open up shop. But for us, the Boston area will always feel like home.

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